
Forthcoming shows

Belonging, Gaffa Gallery, Sydney, 13 - 24 Septmber 2018 (with Mark Dober)


Hill End Residency, July 2017

In July 2017, I did a residency at Hill End, NSW, with my husband Mark Dober. We painted in a gully that was formed by the diggings that took place 150 years ago. The orange earth, quartz rock, mosses and small trees captured my attention. Much of my time was spent in this one spot (below) making a large multi-sheet ink painting on paper.


 Liz at Hill End



Installation view of my second solo show, Verdant, held at Gallerysmith Project Space in Melbourne, November 2015.



Intimate Grandeur 

Installation view of my first solo show, Intimate Grandeur, held at Tacit Contemporary Art, Melbourne, August 2014.